недела, 19. ноември 2023. Вести денес: 0
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Коментарите се повеќе од сурови: Таа е плус сајз блогерка, а кога ќе го видите нејзиното момче ќе се шокирате (ФОТО)

Откако оваа блогерка на својот Инстаграм профил го покажа своето момче беше преплавена од лоши коментари.
Коментарите се повеќе од сурови: Таа е плус сајз блогерка, а кога ќе го видите нејзиното момче ќе се шокирате (ФОТО)

Откако оваа блогерка на својот Инстаграм профил го покажа своето момче беше преплавена од лоши коментари.

Мелис Гибсон која е плус сајз блогерка преку ноќ стана вистинска ѕвезда, а поради неа познато стана и нејзиното момче кое го осудуваат многу поради неговата одлука да биде заедно со девојката.

(Reposting this caption because I’m feeling it so much) ❤️❤️❤️ I believe in the power of marginalized people simply existing. I believe in the power of their love. Of their joy. Of their work. I believe in the power of every moment of their day. While they are burdened with constant judgment, constant surveillance, constant stigma, these are also the same things that make their every choice, every breath, every act powerful. An act of resistance, an act of hope, an act of change. As a fat woman, my visibility, the way my clothes cling to my body, my movement, my happiness, how I take up space, my standards, the way I value myself, my education, my work, the way I dance, the way I look you in the eye, the way I make love, the way I smile, the way I refuse to cover up, the way I refuse to stay silent, my refusal to hide, my refusal to believe I am unworthy, all of these things give me power. In every moment I am brave, I have to be, in order to live I have to rise, I cannot hide. I will not hide. I shouldn’t have to be brave to dance, to wear what I want, to see a doctor, but it takes bravery. My fat body makes me stronger. I’m not sure that’s something to celebrate, because it shouldn’t have to be that way, but I look out at the other fat people around me, the black people, the disabled and aging and trans people, I look at them and see how their stories have shaped them to be glorious. I also see how they are changing the world. If you aren’t marginalized, recognize this. Of course they are inspiring but they aren’t inspiring for you, they are inspiring for themselves. They are inspiring because they know they have to make the world a better place, because currently their simple existence means they have to live better, they have to fight harder, they have to prove themselves, and their exhaustion is never tolerated in fact it is used against them. And their lives are then tokenized to be something about the story of those who are complicit in the systems that marginalized them. Yet they still go on, they still exist, they still thrive. #bodyjustice #power #louisville #old502af

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Имено на Инстаграм се појавија сурови коментари на сметка на девојката, а еден од нив е и дека тој сигурно има некои фетиш штом е со оваа девојка.

-Она кога во фустан ќе застанеш до човекот што го сакаш, а добиваш грозни коментари на сметка на твоето тело и килограми и прашања дали навистина моето момче ме сака. Но ние и понатаму ќе се бориме да бидеме заедно и да не прифатат луѓето. Ние сме точно тоа што сакаме и нашите тела се дел од тоа, вели блогерката.

Инаку таа се обидува да објавува провокативни фотографии на Инстаграм се со цел да го привлече вниманието низ целиот свет и луѓето да се навикнат на нејзиното тело.

Was being seen attached to my hunger from being unseen? What did it take from me? What did I give to it? How do I fight while simply existing. My body a weapon not by my choice, but because it has to be. My body a symbol both of what you feared the most. And also of what you feared the most packaged in a way that made you comfortable, that made you feel better about yourself. Still my humanity rested only in my value to you. My value to you only comes from I made you feel. I question this fight a lot, I feel lost in it at times, like no matter what’s said and seen here it has been taken from me. I’m not here to make you comfortable. I’m not here for you. I’m here because I simply am, I want to have a place where I get to be. A history of my life written before me. A person, a soul. A lover, a friend. There is that silver lining. That I’ll keep showing up and keep seeing me. Love myself in the moments of uncertainty and growth. When I’m broken and scared not because I want to feel better, but because I’m simply feeling, being, seeing myself in a world that wants to erase me and the story I have to tell.

A post shared by Melissa Gibson (@yourstruelymelly) on

When taking a picture in a sparkly dress next to the man you love makes people comment about your body, question your relationship, make judgements about him for loving you. Our relationship is political. Even though we both know how natural and right it feels. And if the world won’t just let us be, we will keep fighting for our love, for our space, for our right to be seen, accepted without question, and celebrated. In all honesty it’s silly to think it bothers people so much, but when privileged people base their value on attraction and relationships, it results in the plethora of relationships that look like mine being erased and delegitimized. Like somehow I don’t deserve him or our love isn’t real. We are exactly what each other wants, and guess what, our bodies are a part of that. It’s not a abnormal or a fetish. It’s simply natural. So while you insist on yelling your insecurities and bigotry at me, realize I’m not playing the game you play any longer. I’m not playing by your rules. And it’s honestly sad you still are. 2018 is the year for Love that is not defined by weight, age, ability, genitals, gender, sexuality. Not defined by race or ethnicity or religion. We’re having more fun this way anyway ;). #love #bf #relationshipgoals #fatbabe #visiblewomen #louisville #newyearseve #2018 #nye #debshops ………. ALSO THIS DRESS IS FROM @debshops FOR ALL THOSE THAT ASKED. Remember I always tag where I got my clothing in the picture.

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