понеделник, 6. ноември 2023. Вести денес: 0
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Мислеле дека ќе умре бидејќи тежела колку 5-годишно девојче, но таа ја победи анорексијата (ФОТО+ВИДЕО)

Таа има 87.000 следбеници на Инстаграм. Постојано става фотографии од себе на кои веќе изгледа здраво и насмеано. Кони ја покажува позитивната страна на закрепнувањето, а не сета агонија која ја носи тоа.
Мислеле дека ќе умре бидејќи тежела колку 5-годишно девојче, но таа ја победи анорексијата (ФОТО+ВИДЕО)

Студентка на која докторите ѝ предвидувале само неколку месеци живот поради сериозната ситуација со анорексијата, сега е вистинска инспирација за многу девојки ширум светот.

Кони Инглис (23) од Велика Британија се борела со анорексија уште од 10-годишна возраст и во текот на долгогодишната борба со оваа болест, три пати завршувала во болница комплетно истоштена.

Im finally seeing the light!!!! TW eating disorders ? ? Firstly I want to say this is not a look how skinny I was or look how well I’ve done post. This is to hopefully show you that no matter how lost you are in your own head, it is possible to escape! It is possible to find happiness again!!! ? ? Secondly you do not have to be this shape, size colour or gender for your struggles to matter! You are always deserving of help if you are struggling!!! ? ? Last year I was sectioned under the mental health act. I was so ill I was doing everything I could think of to not take in ANYTHING. I had given up. My eating disorder had taken over and I wanted to die. So I was sectioned and forced to get better. I was put on an ng tube. I was forced to watch as the scale went up every week and I could do nothing about it. (Not that I didn’t try) Last year I was a mess. ? ? But the people I loved stayed by me. My best friends and my boyfriend came to see me all the time and my parents where there every day. They where there to remind me to try. So I did. For the first time in my life I realised that I loved these people more than my ed. so I fought, I fought like hell!!! ? ? I’m not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone’s struggles, (everyone’s struggle is valid!!! No matter how long it takes!!) I’ve been in this for 10 years now and I still struggle but I can see the light now. I know that the fight is worth it. I know that the scales don’t mean a thing. And I want you to know that it is possible!!!!! It is possible to get out of the darkness! No not all my problems have gone away. Yes I still have the thoughts. But I am strong enough now to resist! Keep going! You can get through this hell and I will be with you every step of the way!!! We can do this together!!!! ??? (No questions about weight please!!) #positivebeatsperfect

A post shared by Connie??Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on

Таа стигнала до тежина на 5-годишно девојче и воопшто не се грижела дали ќе живее или ќе умре, единствената цел ѝ била да симне што повеќе килограми.

Сега сака на другите кои се соочуваат со овој проблем да им ја испрати пораката дека без разлика колку и да им изгледа тешко во моментов, може да биде подобро.

In both of these photographs I am the same weight. I am a ‘healthy’ bmi. So if we’re going with what the media tells us about anorexia, this means I wasn’t fighting a daily battle in either of these pictures… right? Wrong! ? In the picture on the left I’m 13. I was weight restored still on an ng. But even at a bmi of 20 the thoughts still plagued me. I still couldn’t eat. But I’d look just fine without the tube right? ? The picture on the right was taken a couple of months ago. I’m exactly the same weight as the first picture but I’m at home, in recovery and managing to fight the majority of the thoughts that come along. ? My point is that you don’t have to be stick thin to be suffering. You don’t have to be on the verge of death to be in pain. Your bmi means NOTHING when an eating disorders involving. If need help, it doesn’t matter what you weigh, it doesn’t matter what you look like. You should never be turned away because you don’t fit into the ‘typical’ anorexia box. You should never feel like you aren’t sick enough. You should never be made to feel like your illness isn’t ‘as bad’ as someone else’s. ? If anyone is struggling, I’m with you every step of the way. If your fighting and screaming but nobody hears you, I’m here to listen. If someone tells you you can’t have an eating disorder because your ‘not thin enough’ tell them to go f**k themselves because they don’t have a clue! ? Everyone deserves help. Everyone deserves for there struggles to be herd. Eating disorders do not discriminate. Bmi doesn’t define you. You are never alone??? #positivebeatsperfect

A post shared by Connie??Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on

Таа има 87.000 следбеници на Инстаграм. Постојано става фотографии од себе на кои веќе изгледа здраво и насмеано. Кони ја покажува позитивната страна на закрепнувањето, а не сета агонија која ја носи тоа.

If all else fails.. Shake it off!!!!!!! ??? I’ve been having a really bad week. My mental healths been kicking me down at every possible moment. My body image has been terrible!! I’m having problems with my friends and uni stress is suffocating me. So this morning I woke up and decided to just dance it out!!! ??? I spent a good 45 mins dancing round my house in my underwear and smile top! And it honestly felt amazing! I’m even smiling now watching it back! I mean, look at that bum go!!!! ? – ? Life is hard sometimes and shit gets you down. But when those times come you have to find what helps you though. And for me dancing is a big part of it! ? Just smile and embrace the jiggle ? – – Songs- Keshia “woman” Jessie J “sexy lady” #positivebeatsperfect #donthatetheshake

A post shared by Connie??Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on